
Attorney & Legal ConsultingHere you will find helpful suggestions on hot topics in the business world, concentrating on law, real estate and mortgage financing. All topics I consider myself somewhat of an expert on when it comes to driving the traffic to those businesses. All done from my Domicile (hint about the name 3 domi).

3Domi – Translation: Three at home.

That is there are 3 of us working from home: Myself, (Fred Z) consulting on website design and conversion and sticking mainly in the areas of legal and attorney websites, real estate and mortgage broker – mortgage website design.  My Wife, working in Real Estate Brokerage and running her business at home.  My Daughter, running her fashion design business from the upstairs loft. (She currently commands the most real estate at home spread out over 3 rooms!)

The main focus of 3Domi.com will be a venue for blogging about law and attorney information in relation to our clients. Some guest posting will be done by site owners from Real estate and how to obtain a mortgage and financing to helpful hints on how to find an attorney plus various helpful article and legal advice.

But, the reason for the domain name really?  Well I found it available, short and seemed to fit me just fine.  Where are you going to find a catchy 5 letter .com in today’s world.  It previous life was a bit “spammy” but I parked it for a bit and now i think it is pretty safe to breath new life as my consulting blog.